Back Tax Returns

IRS | State

If you haven’t filed in a while, you may not know where to start. Filing several years of back tax returns can be daunting and complex. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. We partner with Four Corners Accounting LLC to provide our clients with expert accounting services. We will confirm with you which returns need to be filed and get you all square.


What if I need to file lots of returns?

Whether you have one year or ten years, we have been helping taxpayers get caught up on their filings for over a decade. We will do a thorough review of your account to determine which years need to be filed so you can be 100% current and complaint moving forward.

The IRS and State Taxing Authorities have not reached out to me about the missing returns yet. Isn’t it better to wait?

While you may be like thousands of taxpayers who regularly fall under the IRS radar each year, we highly recommend getting the returns prepared as soon as possible. We are experts in making this process as painless as possible. You will be so glad when the returns are filed—call us today for help.

What happens if you don’t file?

While the IRS can technically put you in prison for not filing, you are more likely to face overwhelming penalties and interest for flagrant non-filing. The way the IRS goes about assessing you is by filing substitute returns based on the tax documentation reported to them by 3rd parties. Once they have filed those returns on your behalf, they assess considerable penalties and interest and start the collections process (which includes liens, levies, garnishments, and seizures). The first step in any case is to get the returns filed, so please don’t wait and call us today for assistance.